Industry Coal Testing Equipment for Moisture Ash Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon

Model: KR-IC3000

Automatic industrial analyzer, suitable for industries and departments such as coal, electricity, metallurgy, commodity inspection, environmental protection, paper making, chemical industry, scientific research, quality inspection, schools, etc. Used for batch determination of moisture, ash, volatile matter in materials such as coal and coke, calculation of fixed carbon, and calculation of heat and hydrogen value (estimation) based on empirical formulas.


Performance characteristics

Highly automated: After placing the sample, it can be automatically tested and printed with just a few mouse clicks, making the operation simple.

Accurate testing: After testing more than twenty standard coal samples, the results are all accurate and error free; Compared with the national standard method, the testing accuracy meets the requirements;


High efficiency:

Quick method: The moisture, ash, and volatile matter of 19 samples were measured for 180 minutes.

The three indicators of moisture, ash, and volatile matter can be measured in any combination or separately.


Usage conditions and user provided materials

  1. Environmental temperature: 5 ℃~40 ℃.
  2. Relative humidity: ≤ 85%.
  3. There is no strong vibration, dust, strong electromagnetic interference, or corrosive gas around.
  4. Users should have a suitable workbench (preferably a flat cement workbench, as the instrument cannot be shaken during the experiment) to place the instrument. The workbench should be 700mm wide x 2500mm long.
  5. Self prepared coal sample: Air dried coal sample with a particle size less than 0.2mm.
  6. Standard coal sample.
  7. Oxygen and nitrogen cylinders.
  8. Power supply: 220V ± 10%, 50A.


Main Technical Indicators


  1. Power: Analyzer: 220 ± 22V, 50 ± 1Hz, 40A (maximum), less than 5kw, Computer: 220 ± 22V, 50 ± 1Hz, less than 500W
  2. Gas requirements: Oxygen: purity of 99.5%, pressure after reduced pressure of 0.25 Mpa, Nitrogen: purity 99.5%, pressure after reduced pressure 0.25 Mpa, Pressure reducer: high-end 0-25 Mpa; Low end 0-0.4 Mpa
  1. Environmental requirements
  2. Number of crucibles: 20, capable of testing 19 samples at a time
  3. Sample quality: Moisture and ash samples 0.6000-1.1000g (mass adjustable)
  4. Furnace temperature range: room temperature -1000 ℃
  5. Analysis accuracy: Meet the requirements of GB/T212-2001 “Industrial Analysis of Coal” standard
  6. External dimensions: 605mm x 605mm x 630mm
  7. Weight: Approximately 95kg
  8. Testing speed: Quick method: The moisture, ash, and volatile matter of 19 samples were measured for 180 minutes.
  9. The three indicators of moisture, ash, and volatile matter can be measured in any combination or separately.
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Posted in Coal Testing Equipment, Fuel Oil Tester.